The Creators Mindstyle
Coming to We Are The Creators Academy on the 1st of August, 2022
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Control Your Mind And Create A New Reality
We all want a change in our lives, we all want to improve in one way or another but to be able to create a true, lasting change in our lives, we need to retake the control over our lives, we have to stay connected to our true self, 24/7, and become The Creators of every aspect of our lives.
We can change, rearrange, and transform our whole reality by taking control of our mind, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and reactions. We can and should become The Creators of our reality instead of being slaves to life, slaves to outside forces and the social programming.
We were born to be free individuals. We were born to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. We were born to design, create, and manifest the reality we need, want, and desire. The time has come to rise up as The Creators of our lives and our reality.
Week 1-4
Week 1
We Are The Creators
We are The Creators of our lives, we are The Creators of every aspect of our lives, and we are The Creators of our reality in every way. The time has come to reclaim our personal power and start designing, creating, and manifesting a new reality for ourselves and the whole world.
Week 2
We Are Energy Beings
We are energy beings, every cell and atom in our body is pure energy. Everyone and everything around us is pure energy, the whole universe is pure energy. As we are a part of it all and everything is a part of us, we can take an active part in recreating our human existence for the betterment of all.
Week 3
Breathing Is The Key
Our breathing is one of the most important part of our bodily functions as if we stop breathing, just for a few minutes, our life seizes to exist. Through our breathing, we give our body and mind the vital energy to function at its peak performance. Our breathing calms the mind and our body.
Week 4
Mind Control
Our mind untamed is a dangerous beast. Our mind primal function is not to make us happy but to look for and warn us of any dangers, the fight/flight instinct. We need to learn how to control our mind to create happiness, health, and wealth. Without mind control, we are just aimless animals.
Recreating Reality
In this course, The Creators Mindstyle, we will learn how to transform our whole existence, our past, present, and future by changing our mindset and our perception of what we believe to be real and true. We have been raised by certain standards, traditions, and social programming that has created the persona we are today, our personality, and the reality we are living in and believe to be true and we most often feel that this reality is firm and unchangeable. But it is not our reality that is firm and stubborn, it is our mind and our perception of reality that has become stagnant.
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Week 5-8
Week 5
Strengthening The Orb
As energy beings, as our body is pure energy, we radiate energy in all directions and we attract energy from the world. What we think, what we believe, and how we feel will determine the energy we create and attract to us. We create our own energy field, our orb, if it is positive or negative.
Week 6
Emotional Control
Like our mind, our emotions untamed can be a vicious beast. Our emotions are most often controlled by our ego, our imagination, and unfounded interpretation of the reality around us. Like taming our mind, by taming our emotional flow, we get a clearer picture of what is truly real and true.
Week 7
New Beginnings
Every day is a clean slate, a new beginning. Every day we can choose to change our heading in life and explore new frontiers. We can keep of being and doing what we have always done or we can change, rearrange, and transform our lives in any way or every way. The choice is ours.
Week 8
Creating The Future
As we created our past that led us to our present, we will create our future by our actions today. The only way to predict our future is by creating it ourselves. The future has unlimited opportunities we can embark on and there are limitless possibilities to explore. Take the steps towards the future, today.
The Illusion
One way to take an active part of our evolution is to reevaluate our past, our present, what we feel, what we believe, what we think, and what we are doing today, in the NOW. The time has come to wake up to the fact that it is all an illusion, that there is no one true reality, and it is all our personal choice. Our past is just an illusion, just like our memories are just an illusion. Our past events are just our perception of what we think we saw or experienced. If it affected us in a positive way or a negative way may just depend on how we were feeling at the time so it was our choice to interpret it in a positive or a negative way. Our memories, when we look back to past events, is an illusion, a fantasy, as for every time we look back, we change our perception of that event. We may add details or we may distract details. Our memories change when we change. Our memories are affected by how we are feeling at the time we think back to a past event.
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Week 9-12
Week 9
Our Daily Habits
Most of our habits are on autopilot and we are mostly not even aware of them. Our habits are like creatures lurking in the dark. When we are not aware of our daily habits, when we are not aware of what we think, say, or do, we have no control of the outcome of our lives. Change your habits and you change your life.
Week 10
Raising Our Energy
To create a better life and a better future, we need to raise our energy by focusing on the positive aspect of our lives, our society, and the world. We are The Creators of our lives and the world and what we choose to focus on will become our reality. By raising our energy, we will raise the standards of our lives.
Week 11
We Are All Connected
As we are all energy beings and as everything around us us energy, we are all interconnected with each other and everything around us. What we feel, think, say, and do, will affect the world, and all that happens in the world, affects us. By becoming aware of that fact, we can better influence and change the world.
Week 12
The Continuation
Being The Creators of our lives, of our reality, is and should not be a short term goal. We should set a lifetime goal of being an active Creator to create our needs, wants, and desires. As inactive Creators, we will only live the reality others have fed us. The continuation of our lives depends on us.
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