The Creators Health
Coming to We Are The Creators Academy on the 1st of February, 2023
More information about the course below and don´t forget to sign up to The Creators Health List to get updates and news about the launch.
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Our Health Care Starts At Home
Our health is our creation and our health is our responsibility. Our health care starts at home as our health is dependent on what we choose to eat, what we choose to drink, if we choose to exercise or not, if we choose to respect our body or not.
We only get one body during this lifetime. We only get one vehicle to take us from A to B and how we choose to treat our body will determine the quality of the life we will have, if we can maintain a healthy life or if we will create dis-ease.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may take time and may have its cost but becoming sick, dis-eased, also takes a lot of time and cost. The choice is always ours, there are multiple choices to choose from and as The Creators of our lives, we can and will create our reality.
Week 1-4
Week 1
We Are The Creators
As The Creators of our lives and our reality, we are The Creators of our health, the state of our body. Our daily choices will either improve our health, maintain our health, or bring in dis-ease. We can at any moment in life start creating a different reality.
Week 2
The Creators Mindstyle
Our health is not just dependent on the food we eat or the drinks we drink. Our physical health is also influenced by the thinks we think, what we believe to be true and real. It is our mind that controls matter. A pure mind creates a pure body and a pure body maintains a pure mind.
Week 3
Breathing Exercises
The key to be able to create a healthy body is to learn to focus on our breathing and to control our breathing. To maintain deep, long breaths every day, all day, 24/7. Deep breathing will give our body the oxygen to nourish our body and thereby calm our body and mind.
Week 4
Nutritional Therapy
Along with oxygen, we need to focus on the nourishment we get from our meals and beverages. To provide our body with all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibers, so our body can function as is should and could. Our daily choices will determine the outcome of our health.
Our Daily Habits
Our daily habits determine the outcome of our lives. What we habitually choose to eat, drink, and do will create our body, our health, and our level of wellness. We are The Creators of our reality in every way and we have a choice every single day if we will improve our health or if we start creating lack in our system that will lead to dis-ease and fatigue.
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Week 5-8
Week 5
The Creators Gym
When it comes to mind over matter, it is proven that the affects of all exercise will multiply if we can visualize it in our mind as well. If we can see it and feel it in our mind so the most important part of creating our health and fitness is to start training in our mind, visualize it, and believe it.
Week 6
Alternative Medical Practices
There are many ways to affect and influence our body and improve our health. There are points all over our body that can and will create better health when pushed and massaged. Practices like Reflexology, Acupuncture, and Massage. Our body is equipped with everything it needs to stay healthy.
Week 7
Cardio Training
It is important to keep our body moving, to keep our blood flowing, to keep our energy growing. It is said that a daily, 10 minute walk is enough to maintain our flow but there is so much more we can do to get our hearth beating. Walking, running, swimming, and climbing are great and fun ways to improve our health.
Week 8
Mixed Martial Arts
MMA is a great way to learn how to train and control our body. Martial Arts is great to get lean and fit but also to be efficient in Self Defense. It trains every part of our body as it trains our mind, our awareness of our body. Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Krav Maga, are popular styles but make sure to find what interests you.
Motivation Does Not Last
Motivation does not last as some days are harder, more distracting, and some days we just don´t feel like it. As we may not always be motivated, we need to be determined, focused, and not to let ourselves or outside forces slow us down. So it all comes down to our choices, if we we stop or if we keep on going, no matter what. As The Creators of our lives, we always have a choice, and we are the only ones that are responsible for our choices. Our lives are our creation.
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Week 9-12
Week 9
Fitness is a popular style to improve our health, look, and fitness. It is a great way to get to know our body, our strength and limits. In the Fitness industry, there is a big focus set on our diet and supplements to enhance our physical strength.
Week 10
Bodybuilding is another great way to enhance our body, our muscles, and our physical strength. It is a great way to gain true control over our body and reshape our body. It is a path of physical exercises and strict training.
Week 11
Energetic Stretching
Stretching and soft movements are also a vita part of our physical health, a way to get to know our body and control our body. As important it is to strengthen our body, we need to keep them flexible. Yoga, Pilates, and Chi Gong are great ways to improve our energy and flexibility.
Week 12
Mind Over Matter
When it come to mind over matter, we need to gain control over our mind as well as our body. To create our ultimate health, to grow our energy, we need to become and be The Creators of every aspect of our lives, our body, and our reality in every way.
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