Welcome To The Future

watca Nov 15, 2021
Welcome To The Future

There has been a time for the past, there has been a time for the present, but now we have entered the future where all possibilities are open and we are unlimited beings of pure energy.

The only way to make the changes we desire to become a reality is to let go of the old ways, old patterns, and old habits. Our reality, the reality we have in the present, is a repetition of yesterday, a repetition of our past. Today we are repeating our past as the past is all we know and we can not do anything other then what we know. In other words, our present is not the NOW, it is just a replay of all our habits. The problem with our habits is that they are on autopilot and we are mostly not even aware of our habits as they are just a repetition of what we have always done.

So how can we change our present reality if we do not know any better? Well, the only way to change our present reality is to learn a new way of being and doing things. Then we have the question of what else we need to learn if we do not know any better and do not know what else we need to learn. We have all heard, at least most of us have heard the story about the cup. When a cup is overfull, we can not pour more into the cup. The only way to pour more water, or in the case of our minds, is to empty the cup. In other words, the only way to start learning new things to improve our lives is to let go of all we have learned before and are holding on to so it tightly as if that reality was true and right, what we believe to be our only option.

Who we are today is only our perception of our past. We have created our personality according to the reality we have been programmed to create by our upbringing, the situations in our life, our social influences, what others have said and done to or for us. Every time something happens, is said, or done, we most often limit our reality to one option, one reaction, or emotion, when in reality, we have unlimited options to choose from.

We are unlimited beings, we are omnipotent, we are omnipresent, and we are omniscient. We have limited ourselves to this physical dimension and this physical form, our body. We have limited ourselves to just one reality and that has made our reality very persistent. The only way to recreate our present is to open up our mind that our current reality is just one perspective, one viewpoint, one opinion. When we realize that we have more options to choose from in every situation and event that happen in our lives, when we learn that we do not need to do or react in the same way we have always have, we become The Creators of our lives and our reality.

When we start changing our behavior in the present, we open up unlimited opportunities to create a different future. When we open up unlimited new opportunities, we start to learn new things and our possibility to improve our lives will create a new reality where everything is possible. It is said that the only way to predict the future is to design it ourselves. Then again, to design a different future, a different reality, we need to let go of all our past, our habits, and our old mindset, thoughts, and beliefs.

To create a better future, we need to boycott and ignore the old ways, systems, software, and traditions. Einstein said that we can not fix a problem with the same mindset as we had when we created the problem. A group may have been looking for a solution to a problem but can not figure anything out, then an outside person comes, takes a look, and figures out the solution right away. To create a better future, we need to let go of our old way of thinking and rethink everything we believe to be true and real. We need to and should second guess everything we know, have heard, have seen, or believe to be a fact as all facts change according to new information.

To create a better future and our present reality, we need to let go of our past in every way.

Start creating your happiness, health, and wealth

This is Égzeus Belial
The Creators Coach

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